Mastering Natural Light: A Beginner’s Guide to Stunning Portraits
Welcome to the Beginners Guide edition of tutorial series! I’m Seagram Pearce, and throughout these tutorials, my goal is to guide you through enhancing your photography skills, starting with the fundamental art of capturing great portraits using natural light.
Today, we’ll delve into the importance of understanding and harnessing light to create compelling images. So, let’s jump right in!
1. Essentials for a Great Corporate Portrait
Before we start, gather these tools: your camera, a window with ample natural light, translucent netting, and one or two reflectors.
2. Setting the Stage
Position your model at a 90-degree angle next to the window, with the window on either the right or left side of their face. Place your camera facing the subject to establish your starting point.
3. Camera Settings
Adjusting your camera settings is crucial and varies based on the time of day and available light. Generally, use the widest aperture your lens allows (e.g., f4.0 or f2.8), a shutter speed around 1/125, and ISO100. Tweak your settings if needed – lower shutter speed for darker images and higher for brighter ones.

4. Shaping the Light
Once your camera settings achieve a balanced exposure, it’s time to shape the light. Introduce a reflector on the opposite side of the window, creating a ‘sandwich’ effect around your subject. This simple addition immediately eliminates harsh shadows and creates a well-balanced illumination. Experiment with reflector placement to control the light’s intensity.
5. Elevate with a Second Light Bounce
Take it a step further by introducing a second light bounce from below. Provide your model with an additional reflector or a white piece of cardboard to hold beneath their face. This adds a beautiful touch by bouncing light up under the nose, eyes, and cheek jowls, achieving a near studio-like lighting effect.
6. Optional Retouching
While optional, consider a subtle touch of retouching. Skin tones can benefit from slight color correction, especially to reduce excessive redness. The extent of retouching may vary based on individual skin types and preferences.
I hope this tutorial equips you with the skills needed for capturing stunning portraits. For further clarification, refer to the lighting diagram provided. Enjoy your photography journey, and stay tuned for the next tutorial!
Happy shooting, Seagram Pearce
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